Friday, July 30, 2010

Wake Up, Man! was an early presence of squash news and commentary on the web, and for that it should be praised. It is also a one-man show, so generous leeway should be extended when evaluating its convoluted layout and sluggish frequency of updates. But when the last update to be found on SquashTalk is nearly 20 days old, the response is just to shake your head and walk away. 

The U.S. is the country where much of the forward progress of squash is happening right now, so for SquashTalk to be the principal source of web-based news from the US is, at this point, embarrassing. Those interested in what's happening in squash have two main choices:, the leader in information about squash, and, the top aggregator of squash commentary. In the U.S., one should also check out the US Squash site, both for its association news but also its links to World Squash News and player blogs. 

But someone out there, some U.S.-based, aggressive, web-savvy, squashist techie, should put some energy into creating a web presence for US squash players we can be proud of. C'mon, man!


  1. Squashist, I understand and share your disappointment with the shortage of fresh content and intermitment updates on

    Fair comments on the whole in this respect, but sometimes:
    - you get what you deserve
    - you get what you pay for

    Squash is not a healthy, co-ordinated, co-operative ecosystem.

    Almost every where you look stakeholders at all levels (club players to teaching pros, club owners, administrators, squash companies, etc) are fixated on their own survival, agendas and primary activities at the exclusion of the "greater good." Let's not even get started on the politics and old boys network dynamics and consequences.

    I can personally relate that maintaining a squash website is truly a labor of love that is:
    - time consuming
    - frought with frustrations
    - thankless
    - a money pit
    - uphill battle

    Quite honestly, most (not all) eveyone is so busy jealously guarding their own piece of the pie, the prospect of helping others to grow the pie is simply not an ethic common in squash.

    Some examples and questions.

    If squash benefits and people/companies want healthy, vibrant and active squash websites:
    - Do "you" ever forward an article, e-newsletter or suggested a friend visit a squash website
    - How many people Sign Up to the websites to boost marketability for potential advertisers?
    - Do "you" choose to advertise on a squash website?
    - Do you make purchasing decisions based on the companies that support your sport?
    - Would "you" pay a subscription fee for a squash website?
    - How many other squash websites/blogs fail to include something as basic as a logo/link on their links page? Not to mention, RSS feed, banners or widgets
    - SquashZAG allows any member to add comments, articles, news, results, videos, photos, events ... do "you" participate and "contribute" to the activity and sense of community of the site in this "no cost" manner?
    - I could go on ...

    I am so thankful for the financial support provided by Black Knight, McWil, Eye Rackets, Meweco. A great many people also allow us to reproduce their materials. Thank you all.

    If you value a diversity of squash websites, we need your participation and support.

  2. Good points, Zag. It is no doubt a very difficult challenge to maintain a squash site, but the truth is there are plenty of sites on the web that are run by one person that struggle to survive and yet, at least sometimes, carry on and thrive. It takes a little luck, a lot of determination, and good editorial that keeps people coming back for more. Your site, Zag, which is more than just an aggregator (a mistake for which I apologize), has a good deal of both aggregated and original content -- it's fun to check out. But my contention is, if you have a site on the web then you have to keep the site up. Or, failing that, call it quits. It's like poker, you are either in or you're out.

  3. Interesting. What do you think this web presence for US squash players should include? Right now I see a need for something a little different, which is a general-information site for neophyte/beginner/intermediate players who want to learn about the game. I'm building a squash website along those lines right now (it's seriously just a work in progress at the moment though...). I hope to grow the game as a result. I could see in the future branching out to some of the ideas you mentioned here. Zag's right, it can be tough going, but I'm optimistic. For all of us.


Sorry, but due to increasing spam, I've added the Word Verification step. My policy on comments is anything goes, as long as it is about squash and as long as it isn't unnecessarily nasty....