Friday, May 13, 2011

Jag Resa Slutligen till Sverige - Inte!

Jag har noterat den här bloggen att min mor var född i Sverige och att jag är en elev i svenska. Mycket tyvärr dog min lärare i svenska, men jag fortfarande läser svenska, kallas oftast på en webbplats "8 Sidor" -

I ett desperat försök att besöka Sverige, försökte jag att vara en av ett några personer som valts att vara i en "reality TV show", kallas den Stora Svenska Adventure. Jag förstår att 1300 personer sökt, och jag överlevde till den sista 100 Men jag tror att det bara fanns 12 människor i slutet. Serien börjar filma i juni. 

Jag tror att det finns mycket att beundra om Sverige. Jag kommer att resa dit de närmaste åren säkert, och även jag hoppas kunna spela lite socialistisk squash.


  1. Finally I Travel to Sweden - Not! I have noted on this blog that my mother was born in Sweden and that I am a student of Swedish. Very unfortunately died my teacher in Swedish, but I still read Swedish, usually called on a website "8 pages" In a desperate attempt to visit Sweden, I tried to be one of a few people chosen to be in a "reality TV show ", called the Great Swedish Adventure. I understand that 1,300 people applied, and I survived to the last 100th But I think there were only 12 people at the end. The series begins filming in June. I think there is much to admire about Sweden. I will go there the next few years probably, and I hope to play some socialist squash.

  2. Uh... What?

    You know I have a hard enough time following your ramblings about squash. Now, you've gone and posted in Swedish. My good man, with due respect, what the F***?

    The Swedes could even beat Finland in the World Ice Hockey Championships, and I'm supposed to read this post?

  3. Your ignorance, both in terms of squash and my great Nordic heritage, is not my concern. I can only pray you see the light. And maybe crank up Abba.

  4. If you do visit please tell me and I will help you sort out some squash.



Sorry, but due to increasing spam, I've added the Word Verification step. My policy on comments is anything goes, as long as it is about squash and as long as it isn't unnecessarily nasty....